Implacable Books is a cooperatively-owned radial bookstore, library, and community space. Visit the Implacable Books website and read about their story below:
“Implacable Books was created in 2024 to support the cause of liberation by collecting, organizing, analyzing, and propagating information and books pertaining to the Anti-Imperialist, New Afrikan Liberation, and Feminist Movements.
Existing as a bookstore, library/reading room, and community space, Implacable Books aims to cater to and be hospitable to individuals and groups that contribute to and want to learn from the rich experiences of liberation struggles worldwide, especially those pertaining to captive nations within US borders and women.
Implacable Books aims to bring together people of all ages and abilities who are moved by the stories, dreams, and analyses of our revolutionary ancestors and contemporaries and who feel genuinely compelled to carry on their fights into their own lives and communities.
We want to ask and answer difficult questions and to hold challenging conversations about what is happening in the world and what we are going to do about it. We want to bring our collective perspectives, talents, procilvities and sensibilities to bear on the issues facing this generation.
We believe in Frantz Fanon’s sentiment that “Each generation must, out of relative obscurity, discover its mission, fulfill it, or betray it.” By fulling our mission as a bookstore, we want to support all of us in making the collective, historical mission of our generation more clear, the path to fulfilling it more accessible, and the thought of betraying it more sickening.
Implacable Books is a newly developing project. We have chosen a space for our first physical location that is awaiting renovations. For now, we will serve our mission through our mobile bookstore and social media. If you have any questions or are interested in getting involved, please contact or Instagram @implacablebooks”